Tara and Sunny Bonding

Tara has always been observed to have a soft spot for lovebirds as friends (*caution: not all parrots behave the same). We therefore recently acquired Sunny in the hope that Tara's quality of life will improve with the presence of a feathered friend. We are gladdened to observe the introduction of Sunny and bonding process has been going well! Tara takes to Sunny like a little brother! Here are two photos, testaments of Tara's sisterly love.
Despite their compatibility, we still continue to house both in different cages for safety reasons. Moreover, the bar spacing for Tara's cage is too wide for Sunny, who can easily slip in and out of Tara's cage at will!
So their daily routine being together playing on the gym or in Tara's cage when there are people to supervise and when no one's at home, Sunny has to go back to his lovebird cage. Both sleep in their respective cages as well.
The introduction of Sunny begins with placing Sunny and his cage adjacent to Tara's cage where they start to get aquainted. After it is observed that both are comfortable with each other with no signs of aggressions or animosity, they are both introducted to each other in neutral space under our direct supervision. Playing together in neutral space without any problems, we proceed to place them together on their cage tops. This further progress to staying in the same cage together with no signs of aggression.
Viola, you have a pair of bonded parrots that is cross-species, cross oceans in homeland!
See how they enjoy each other's company!

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